
“Wszystkie wojny Lary” by Wojciech Jagielski in Macedonian with the support of the Book Institute
The translation of Wojciech Jagielski's reportage Wszystkie wojny Lary (“All Lara’s Wars”) has been published in North Macedonia. The book was translated by Lidija Tanuševska. The publication was supported by the Book Institute as part of the ©POLAND Translation Programme.
The book Сите војни на Лара, as reads the title of the Macedonian translation of the book, was published by the SlaviKa LibriS (СлаВиКа ЛиБриС) publishing house in Skopje.
The main protagonist of Wojciech Jagielski's book is the eponymous Lara, who lives in the Georgian-Chechen border region and who, in good faith, sent her sons to western Europe. They first settled there, but at some point became radicalised - so much so that they travelled to war-torn Syria to take part in a 'holy war'. Lara is trying to do everything to get them home.
Wojciech Jagielski is one of the best and most acclaimed Polish reporters. During his career, he has worked for the Polish Press Agency and ‘Gazeta Wyborcza’ daily and is currently a member of the editorial board of ‘Tygodnik Powszechny’ weekly. He also collaborates with the daily newspaper ‘Le Monde’ and the BBC. He is the author of many reportage books, including, Nocni wędrowcy ("The Night Wanderers"), Na wschód od zachodu ("To East from West"), Modlitwa o deszcz ("Praying for Rain"), Wypalanie traw ("Burning the Grass"), and Dobre miejsce do umierania ("A Good Place to Die").