
The eminent Polish philosopher, historian of ideas, and essayist Krzysztof Pomian has been awarded the prestigious French Prix Femina for lifetime achievement in literature.
The Prix Femina is a French literary prize awarded since 1904 by a jury made up exclusively of women. The award is presented each year in four categories: for a novel, a foreign novel, an essay, and for lifetime achievement.
Krzysztof Pomian has lived and worked in France since 1973. The jury particularly valued his monumental three-volume work entitled Le Musée - une histoire mondiale (“The Museum, a World History”), which was published by the prestigious Gallimard publishing house. Written in French and published in 2020, the first volume of the trilogy will not be introduced to Polish readers until next year through the słowo/obraz terytoria publishing house.
Pomian is a professor at the Centre national de la recherche scientifique - one of France's most important scientific bodies - as well as an undisputed authority in his field. In the past, he was a pupil and friend of Leszek Kołakowski, as well as a contributor to the Parisian ‘Culture’ magazine. He is the author of more than a thousand publications - written mainly in Polish and French.