
Translation of "Księgi Jakubowe" nominated for the Warwick Prize for Women in Translation
The translation of Olga Tokarczuk's Księgi Jakubowe (“The Books of Jacob”) by Jennifer Croft made it to the longlist of books nominated for the Warwick Prize for Women in Translation. The winners - the author and the translator - will be announced on 24 November.
The Warwick Prize for Women in Translation has been awarded since 2017 by the University of Warwick. The Warwick Prize for Women in Translation honours the best translations of books written by women. In the first edition, the translation of Wioletta Grzegorzewska’s Guguły (“Swallowing Mercury”) by Eliza Marciniak was in the finale; four years ago, the novels by Żanna Słoniowska Dom z witrażem (“The House with the Stained-Glass Window”) and Olga Tokarczuk’s Bieguni (“Flights”), translated by Antonia Lloyd-Jones and Jennifer Croft respectively, qualified for the finale; three years ago, Olga Tokarczuk's novel Prowadź swój pług przez kości umarłych (“Drive Your Plow Over the Bones of the Dead”), translated by Antonia Lloyd-Jones, reached the grand finale. Last year, Małgorzata Szejnert's reportage Wyspa klucz (“Ellis Island: A People's History”), translated by Sean Bye, was nominated.
The longlist of books nominated for this year's edition of the award includes the following works:
- Violaine Huisman, The Book of Mother, translated from French by Leslie Camhi (Little, Brown Book Group, 2021)
- Olga Tokarczuk, The Books of Jacob, translated from Polish by Jennifer Croft (Fitzcarraldo Editions, 2021)
- Selva Almada, Brickmakers, translated from Spanish by Annie McDermott (Charco Press, 2021)
- Katja Oskamp, Marzahn, Mon Amour, translated from German by Jo Heinrich (Peirene Press, 2022)
- Faïza Guène, Men Don’t Cry, translated from French by Sarah Ardizzone (Cassava Republic Press, 2021)
- Marit Kapla, Osebol: Voices from a Swedish Village, translated from Swedish by Peter Graves (Penguin Random House, 2021)
- Samar Yazbek, Planet of Clay, translated from Arabic by Leri Price (World Editions, 2021)
- Susanne Wedlich, Slime: A Natural History, translated from German by Ayça Türkoğlu (Granta, 2021)
- Kyoko Nakajima, Things Remembered and Things Forgotten, translated from Japanese by Ginny Tapley Takemori and Ian McCullough MacDonald (Sort of Books, 2021)
- Margarita Liberaki, Three Summers, translated from Greek by Karen Van Dyck (Penguin Random House, 2021)
- Diana Bellessi, To Love A Woman, translated from Spanish by Leo Boix (Poetry Translation Centre, 2022)
- Geetanjali Shree, Tomb of Sand, translated from Hindi by Daisy Rockwell (Tilted Axis Press, 2021)
- Irene Solà, When I Sing, Mountains Dance, translated from Catalan by Mara Faye Lethem (Granta, 2022)
- Diana Anphimiadi, Why I No Longer Write Poems, translated from Georgian by Natalia Bukia-Peters and Jean Sprackland (Bloodaxe Books and Poetry Translation Centre, 2022)
The shortlist will be published in mid-November and the winners will be announced on 24 November. The translator and the author will receive £1,000 to share (in cases where the writer is no longer living, the translator will receive all of the prize money).