
The Book Institute has supported 35 translations of Wisława Szymborska's works
We recently celebrated the centenary of Wisława Szymborska's birth. The Book Institute has supported translations of Wisława Szymborska's books since the inception of the ©Poland Translation Programme, co-financing thirty-five foreign editions of her works.
With the support of the Book Institute, the translations of Wisława Szymborska's works published to date included the following titles:
- Slovak: a selection of poems (translated by Vlastimil Kovalcik, 1999)
- Hebrew: Lektury nadobowiązkowe (“Nonrequired Reading”, translated by Rafi Weichert 2005), Chwila (“Moment”, translated by David Weinfeld, 2011), Poczta literacka (“Literary Mailbox”, translated by Rafi Weichert, 2014), Czarna piosenka (“Black Song”, translated by Miri Paz, 2016)
- Spanish: Dwukropek (“Colon”, translated by Abel Murcia Soriano, Gerardo Beltrán-Cejudo, 2007), Nonrequired Reading (translated by Manel Bellmunt Serrano, 2009), Tutaj (“Here”, translated by Abel Murcia Soriano, Gerardo Beltrán-Cejudo, 2009), Miłość szczęśliwa i inne wiersze (“True Love and Other Poems”, translated by Abel Murcia Soriano, Gerardo Beltrán-Cejudo, 2009), Wystarczy (“Enough”, translated by Abel Murcia Soriano, Gerardo Beltrán-Cejudo, 2009), Literary Mailbox (translated by Abel Murcia Soriano, Katarzyna Mołoniewicz, 2016), Black Song (translated by Abel Murcia Soriano, Katarzyna Mołoniewicz, 2019)
- Dutch: Colon (translated by Karol Lesman, 2007), Here (translated by Karol Lesman, 2009), Enough (translated by Karol Lesman, 2013)
- Russian: a selection of poems (translated by Asar Eppel, 2006)
- Swedish: Colon (translated by Anders Bodegård, 2007), Here (translated by Anders Bodegård, 2009), Enough (translated by Anders Bodegård, 2012)
- Czech: Moment. Colon. Here (translated by Vlasta Dvořáčková, 2009)
- Estonian: Selected Poems (translated by Hendrik Lindepuu, 2012)
- Serbian: a selection of poems (translated by Biserka Rajčić, Petar Vujčić, 2014), Wszystkie lektury nadobowiązkowe (“All Nonrequired Reading”, translated by Biserka Rajčić, 2018), a selection of poems (translated by Biserka Rajčić, 2022)
- Traditional Chinese: a selection of poems (translated by Wei-Yun Lin-Górecka, 2014), Black Song (translated by Wei-Yun Lin-Górecka, 2016), Pamiątkowe rupiecie (“Dusty Keepsakes”, Wei-Yun Lin-Górecka, 2023)
- Belarusian: a selection of poems (translated by Andrei Khadanovich and others, 2014)
- Romanian: a selection of poems (translated by Constantin Geambaşu, 2014)
- Korean: Nonrequired reading (translated by Sung-eun Choi, 2017)
- Portuguese: Noc bezsenna (“Sleepless Night, An Anthology”, translated by Teresa Fernandes Swiatkiewicz, 2018), Literary Mailbox (translated by Eneida Favre, 2021)
- Croatian: a selection of poems (translated by Ðurdica Cilic Škeljo, 2019)
- Hungarian: a selection of poems (translated by Gabor Csordas, Viktória Kellermann, 2019)
- Maltese: Moment (translated by Antoine Cassar, 2022)
Two translations into Spanish are also forthcoming - collected poems and the book Najlepiej w życiu ma twój kot. Listy (”Your Cat Has the Best Life of All. Letters”).