Polish literature

Stanisław Aleksander Nowak
(born in 1958) – journalist, writer, playwright. Regular columnist for “Słowo Polskie”, “Gazeta Wrocławska” and “Wieczór Wrocławia”.
He holds degrees in political science (The University of Wrocław) and international trade (The Wrocław Academy of Economics). He is also a winner of several literary competitions, including the Poznań's Scena na Piętrze theatre competition in which he was awarded for the tragicomedy Szkoła Katów (School of Executioners), and the University of Gdańsk's competition for a fragment of the Galicyanie (Galicians) epic.
Nowak worked on Galicyanie for eight years, trying to capture the spirit of a Middle-European village under Austrian rule. “When I grew up, I concluded that the partition citizens deserve a novel. An equally original and daring idea: to write a saga and epic that encompasses the history of Galicia in the Austrian Partition” - says the author himself about his first novel, which was awarded with the Capital City of Warsaw Literary Prize. The Kończyświat family history is a modern epic, in which the beauty of the elegant, archaised language is intertwined with a classic family saga, and magical realism.
The literary critics also praised Nowak.
Impressive not only in its size, but also the narrative scope, Stanisław Aleksander Nowak's series of novels is a very ambitious and noteworthy project. The history of the end of the “pre-modern” world recalls One Hundred Years of Solitude by Gabriel Garcia Marquez in many aspects.
Leszek Bugajski
Galicyanie, W.A.B., Warszawa (2016)