Polish literature
Piotr Nowak
(born 1966) - philosopher, essayist.
Professor of philosophy at the University of Bialystok. He received his post-doctoral degree in 2012, at the Faculty of Philosophy and Sociology, University of Warsaw. In 2002, he defended his dissertation at the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology of the Polish Academy of Sciences (Pytanie o śmierć człowieka. Nietzsche – Heidegger – Arendt – Foucault – Kojève [”The Question of Human Death. Nietzsche – Heidegger – Arendt – Foucault – Kojève”]).
He is the author of the following books: Ontologia sukcesu. Esej przy filozofii Alexandre’a Kojève’a (”The Ontology of Success. An Essay on the Philosophy of Alexandre Kojève”, published by Słowo/Obraz/Terytoria, Gdańsk 2006), Podpis księcia. Rozważania o mocy i słabości (”The Prince's Signature. Reflections on Strength and Weakness”, published by Fundacja Augusta hr. Cieszkowskiego, Warsaw, 2013), The Ancients and Shakespeare on Time. Some Remarks on the War of Generations (Amsterdam-New York 2014), Hodowanie troglodytów. Uwagi o szkolnictwie wyższym i kulturze umysłowej człowieka współczesnego (”Troglodyte Breeding. Comments on Higher Education and the Mental Culture of Contemporary Man”, published by Fundacja Augusta hr. Cieszkowskiego, Warsaw, 2014), Umieram, więc jestem (“I Die, Therefore I Am”, published by Fundacja Augusta hr. Cieszkowskiego, Warsaw 2016), Puszka z Pandorą (”The Box with Pandora Within”, Fundacja Augusta hr. Cieszkowskiego, Warsaw, 2016), Przemoc i słowa. W kręgu filozofii politycznej Hannah Arendt (“Violence and Words. Political Philosophy of Hannah Arendt”, Fundacja Augusta hr. Cieszkowskiego, Warsaw, 2018).
He deals with the philosophical consequences of the passage of time, intergenerational tensions, ancient philosophy, political philosophy, philosophy of literature, philosophy of religion. He translated works of such writers as H. Arendt, W.H. Auden, L. Strauss, A. Kojève, A. Bloom, B. Pasternak, W. Rozanow, A. Bely, P. Florensky, J. Taubes. He is a scholarship holder of the Foundation for Polish Science (1998-2000), Intitut für die Wissenschaften vom Menschen, Vienna (1996 – Junior Fellow; 2008 – Andrew Mellon Fellow). He was a guest lecturer at Roosevelt University (Chicago, 2007) as well as at The Committee on Social Thought at the Chicago University (2001). Visiting Professor at the University of Helsinki (2009, 2013), the University of Joensuu (2013), and the European College of Liberal Arts in Berlin (2009). He is the deputy editor-in-chief of the philosophical quartaly „Kronos. Metafizyka – Religia – Kultura” (“Kronos. Metaphysics - Religion - Culture"). He is also a member of the Board of the Count August Cieszkowski Foundation. He was repeatedly awarded the Rector's Award of the University of Białystok and the Rector's Award of the University of Warsaw (1994).
- Ontologia sukcesu. Esej przy filozofii Alexandre’a Kojève’a, published by Słowo/Obraz/Terytoria, Gdańsk 2006
- Podpis księcia. Rozważania o mocy i słabości, Fundacja Augusta hr. Cieszkowskiego, Warsaw 2013
- The Ancients and Shakespeare on Time. Some Remarks on the War of Generations, Amsterdam-New York 2014,
- Hodowanie troglodytów. Uwagi o szkolnictwie wyższym i kulturze umysłowej człowieka współczesnego, Fundacja Augusta hr. Cieszkowskiego, Warsaw 2014,
- Umieram, więc jestem, Fundacja Augusta hr. Cieszkowskiego, Warsaw 2016,
- Puszka z Pandorą, Fundacja Augusta hr. Cieszkowskiego, Warsaw 2016,
- Przemoc i słowa. W kręgu filozofii politycznej Hannah Arendt, Fundacja Augusta hr. Cieszkowskiego, Warsaw 2018.