Polish literature

Leopold Tyrmand
(1920-1985) - prose writer, columnist; populariser of jazz in Poland. From 1967, he resided in the USA. His work included war reminiscences, social, action, and criminal themes. His works included the renowned novel Zły (“The Man with White Eyes”, 1955), Dziennik 1954 (“Diary 1954”, 1980) - with a diagnosis of the Stalinist period in Poland, political essays (Cywilizacja komunizmu, or “The Rosa Luxemburg Contraceptive Cooperative. A Primer on Communist Civilization”, 1972).
Born 16th May 1920 in Warsaw, died 19th March 1985 in Fort Myers, Florida. The legendary figure, an icon of the Polish artistic world of the 1950s, associated with the phenomenon of the ‘bikiniers’ (Polish equivalent of American ‘beatniks’ or British ‘teddy boys’), although he didn't consider himself to be one.
- Hotel Ansgar, Księgarnia Zdzisława Gustowskiego, Poznań 1948.
- Zły, "Czytelnik" Publishing house, Warsaw 1955.
- Gorzki smak czekolady Lucullus, Czytelnik, Warsaw 1957.
- Filip, Wydawnictwo Literackie, Cracow 1961.
- Życie towarzyskie i uczuciowe, Instytut Literacki, Paris 1967.
- Siedem dalekich rejsów, Polska Fundacja Kulturalna, London 1975.
- Wędrówki i myśli porucznika Stukułki (unfinished, published in 1990).
- Dziennik 1954, First emigration edition: Polonia Book Fund, London 1980. First official national edition: Res Publica, Warsaw 1989. Original version in preparation and with foreword by Henryk Dasko: Tenten Publishing House, Warsaw 1995; Second edition: Prószyński i S-ka Publishing House, Warsaw 1999.
Collections of essays and columns:
- U brzegów jazzu, Polskie Wydawnictwo Muzyczne, Cracow, 1957.
- Notebooks of Dilettante (1970), in Polish edition: Zapiski dyletanta, translated by Małgorzata Wolanin. Rok Publishing house and "Most" Publishing house, Warsaw 1991.
- Cywilizacja komunizmu, Polska Fundacja Kulturalna, London 1972.
- Tu w Ameryce, czyli dobre rady dla Polaków, Polska Fundacja Kulturalna, London 1975.
- Polacy, czyli pakamera, "Dialog" 1961 nr 6.
- Niebo - projekt scenariusza, "Dialog" 1963 nr 6.
- Diary 1954 [Dziennik 1954], trans. Anita Shelton, Alfred John Wrobel, Evanston, Il.: Northwestern University Press, 2014.
- Notebooks of a dilettante, New York: The Macmillan Company, 1970.
- The ugly beautiful people: essays on liberal culture, Lanham: University Press of America, 1985.
- Zly [Zły], trans. David J. Welsh, London: Michael Joseph, 1958.
- The man with the white eyes [Zły], trans. David J. Welsh, New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1959.
- The seven long voyages [Siedem dalekich rejsów], trans. David J. Welsh, London: Michael Joseph, 1959.
- The Rosa Luxemburg contraceptives cooperative: a primer on Communist civilization, New York, N. Y.: Macmillan, 1971.
- The Media Shangri-la: where everyone is free but some are freer, Rockford, Ill.: Rockford College Institute, 1975.
- Reflections: permissiveness and rectitude, New York: The New Yorker Magazine, 1970.
- On liberal culture, Green Hill Pub, 1982.
- Meiguo san ji [Notebooks of a dilettante], trans. Wawa Chai, Xianggang: Jin ri shi jie chu ban she, 1977.
- Opaki [Zły], trans. Milan Moguš, Boris Hutinec, Zagreb: Naprijed, 1966.
- Civilizacija komunizma [Cywilizacja komunizmu], trans. Adrian Cvitanović, Zagreb: Disput: Hrvatsko filološko društvo, 2017.
- Zly: den onde mand [Zły], trans. Edith Frey, København: Gyldendal, 1959.
- Paha mies [Zły], trans. Anselm Hollo], Helsinki: Kustannusosakeyhtiö Otava, 1959.
- Zly: l'homme aux yeux blancs [Zły], trans. Anna Posner, Paris: Stock, Delamain et Boutelleau, 1960.
- Journal 1954 [Dziennik 1954], trans. Laurence Dyèvre, Paris: Les Éditions Noir sur blanc, 2018.
- Raʻ [Zły], trans. Arie Nevo, Yerushalayim: Karmel, 2019.
- Zly [Zły], trans. Ramón Margalef Llambrich, Barcelona: Luis de Caralt, 1962.
- Rosa Luxemburgo, cooperativa de contraceptivos : relato original de los ultrajes y locuras en una sociedad marxista [The Rosa Luxemburg contraceptives cooperative: a primer on Communist civilization], trans. Francisco J Perea, México: Editores Asociados, 1973.
- Vision franca de un pais: diario de viaje por los Estados Unidos [American diary], Montevideo: Comentario, 1968.
- Apuntes de un diletante [Notebooks of a dilettante], trans. from English Nuria Parés, México, D.F.: Diana, 1972.
- Der Böse [Zły], trans. Kurt Harrer, Berlin: Ullstein, 1958.
- Ein Hotel in Darlowo [Siedem dalekich rejsów], trans. Jan Tauschinski, Berlin: Ullstein, 1962.
- Zly [Zły], trans. Othar Bertelsen, Oslo: E. C. Mortensen, 1959.
- Zloj T. 1 [Zły], trans. Nina Fedorova, Moskva: Raduga, 1993.
- Zloj T. 2 [Zły], trans. Ksenia Starosielska, Moskva: Raduga, 1993
- Zloj [Zły], trans. I. L. Baziljanskaja, Charkiv: Rubikon and Original, 1995.
- Zloj [Zły], trans. Nina Fedorova, Ksenia Starosielska, Kaliningrad: Phoca Books, 2019.
- Zly: den onde mannen [Zły], trans. Lars Hansson, Uddevalla: Forum, 1959.
- Hudič [Zły], trans. Janko Moder, Ljubljana: Državna Založba Slovenije, 1965.
- Zlij [Zły – przekład skrócony], trans. Maria Prigara, Valentin Strutins'kij, Kiïv: Radâns'kij pis'mennik, 1959.
- A gonosz [Zły], trans. Edward P. Mach, Budapest: Európa, 1958.
- L'uomo dagli occhi bianchi [Zły], trans. Franca Wars, Carlo Rossi Fantonetti, Milano: A. Garzanti, 1959.