Polish literature

Anna Czerwińska-Rydel

(born in 1973) musician, educator, author of numerous books for children and young people.

Historical, musical, social and biographical threads are woven through her novels. She has created a remarkable series of books for children about great Poles, including: Frederick Chopin, Irena and Julian Tuwim, Janusz Korczak, Witold Lutosławski and Kornel Makuszyński. Acclaimed in Poland and abroad, she’s received many prestigious awards, including first prize in the Bologna Ragazzi Award in the Nonfiction category and a nomination for the 2014 Deutscher Jugendliteraturpreis for Everything’s Fine.



  • Wszystko gra, mixtvision Mediengesellschaft, Monachium 2015


  • Wszystko gra, Wydawnictwo Format, Wrocław 2016

