Polish Book Market

Seminars for publishers
We invite a group (usually around 25) of publishers from various countries to Kraków for 2-3 days outside of the busy season of fairs, to present to them Polish literary selection, enable them to meet writers, local publishers and critics, and in this way encourage them to publish Polish literature.
Seven seminars have been organised thus far. The following publishers took part in them:
1-4 June 2006 / dedicated to Polish fiction
Actes Sud (France), Fayard (France), Grasset (France), Salamandra (Spain), Tusquets Editores (Spain), De Geus (Netherlands), Claassen (Germany), DTV (Germany), DVA (Germany), S. Fischer (Germany), Albert Bonniers Förlag (Sweden), Norstedts and Prisma (Sweden), Archipelago Books (USA), Charlotte Sheedy Literary Agency (USA), Dalkey Archive Press (USA), FSG (USA), Grove Atlantic (USA), New Directions (USA), Arcadia Books (UK), Harvill Press (UK), Macmillan (UK), Portobello Books (UK), Random House (UK), Saggiatore (Italy).
14 -17 June 2007 / dedicated to Polish fiction
Inter Zona Editora (Argentina), Christian Bourgois (France), Les Editions Noir sur Blanc / Buchet Chastel (France), Stock (France), Lumen (Spain), Mondadori (Spain), Ahuzat Bait (Israel), Aliyat Hagag (Israel), Am Oved (Israel), Hakkibutz Hameuchad (Israel), Kinneret Zmora (Israel), Modan (Israel), Schocken (Israel), Xargol Books (Israel), Yedioth Books (Israel), C.H. Beck (Germany), Hanser (Germany), Kiepenheuer & Witsch (Germany), S. Fischer (Germany), Schöffling& Co. (Germany), Suhrkamp (Germany), Arcade Publishing Inc. (USA), Arcade Publishing Inc. (USA), Chatto & Windus (UK), Serpent’s Tail (UK), Edizioni E/O (Italy), Einaudi (Italy), Neri Pozza Bloom (Italy).
5-8 June 2008 / poświęcone literaturze dla dzieci i młodzieży
Picus Verlag (Austria), Baobab (Czech Republic), Albin Michel (France), Editions du Rouergue (France), Editions Thierry Magnier (France), Milan (France), Seuil (France), Kalandraka Editora (Spain), Carl Hanser Verlag (Germany), Moritz Verlag (Germany), Patmos Verlagshaus (Germany), Verlagsgruppe Oetinger (Germany), books&rights (Switzerland), La Joie de Lire (Switzerland), Alfabeta (Sweden), Andersen Press (UK), Caterpillar Press (UK), Random House Children's Publishing UK (UK), Winged Chariot (UK), Salani (Italy).
24-27 June 2012 / dedicated to Polish fiction
Forlaget Sisyfos (Denmark), Rod&Co (Denmark), Acantilado (Spain), Alfaguara (Spain), Galaxia Gutenberg (Spain), Querido (Netherlands), Van Gennep (Netherlands), Pratilipi (India), Oceano (Meksyk), btb Verlag (Germany), Piper (Germany), Rowohlt (Germany), PaxForlag (Norwegia), Natur och Kultur (Sweden), Farrar Straus Giroux (USA), Houghton Mifflin Harcourt (USA), W. W. Norton (USA), Europa (Węgry), Magveto (Węgry), Comma Press (UK), Dedalus (UK), Harvill (UK), Feltrinelli (Italy), Nottetempo (Italy), Voland (Italy).
11-14 June 2015 / dedicated to Polish fiction
Editora 34 (Brazil), Estação Liberdade (Brazil), Record (Brazil), SINICUS (China), Like (Finland), Rayo Verde (Spain), Zubaan Books (India), Biblioasis (Canada), Alfaguara/Objectiva (Portugal), Booktailors (Portugal), Kalligram (Slovakia/Hungary), Bence (Turkey), Kalem Agency (Turkey), Siren (Turkey), Archipelago (USA), New Vessel Press (USA), New York Review Books (USA), Penguin Random House (USA), Restless Books (USA), Periscope (UK), Peter Owen Publishers (UK), Scribe (UK), Weidenfeld & Nicolson (UK).
23-24 June 2016 / dedicated to Polish fiction
Fourth Estate, Harvill Secker (UK), Maclehose Press (UK), Pushkin Press (UK), Simon and Schuster (USA), Portobello Books, Hodder & Stoughton (UK)
21-22 June 2018 / dedicated to Polish children's and young adults literature
Pastel (Belgium), Daylight, Phoenix Juvenile And Children’s Publishing (China), Actes Sud, La Martiniere (France), Patakis (Greece), Tara Books (India), Siruella (Spain), Querido (Netherlands), Sang (Korea), Gestenberg, Gestalten (Germany), Kompas Gid, Pink Giraffe (Russia), Host (Slovakia), Red House (Turkey), Urbino (Ukraine), Lira (Hungary), Walker Books (UK), Rizzoli/Mondadori (Italy).