
”Ekonomia. To, o czym dorośli ci nie mówią” in Swedish with support from the Book Institute
A translation of the book Ekonomia. To, o czym dorośli ci nie mówią (“Economics. What Grown-ups Never Tell You”), authored by Boguś Janiszewski and Max Skorwider has been published in Sweden. The publication of the translation by Ella Fronczak was supported by the Book Institute as part of the ©Poland Translation Programme.
The book was published by the Punkt förlag publishing house.
Economics. What Grown-ups Never Tell You tells the story of exactly what the book's title suggests - economics, money, and finance. However, it does so in a manner somewhat different from what we are used to - accessible, unimposing, and understandable to everyone, regardless of age or background. As the publisher argues, there is something for both the ten-year-old and the centenarian.
Boguś Janiszewski is a writer, teacher, and expert associated with the non-public education community. He is the author of numerous popular science books for children and young people, created together with illustrator Maks Skorwider.
Max Skorwider is an Illustrator, poster designer, and visual artist, as well as a lecturer at the University of Arts in Poznan, where he heads the Comics and Graphic Novel Studio at the Faculty of Graphic Arts. He is a regular contributor to Polityka and Kultura Liberalna magazines.
The 'What Grown-ups Never Tell You' series has also published books such as Mózg (“The Brain”), Polityka (“Politics”), Klimat (“Climate”), Emocje (“Emotions”), Kosmos (“Cosmos”), and Sex.