
”Brud. Cuchnąca historia higieny” in Korean with the support of the Book Institute
A translation of the children's book Brud. Cuchnąca historia higieny (“The Book of Dirt: A smelly history of dirt, disease and human hygiene”) by Piotr Socha and Monika Utnik-Strugała has been published in South Korea. The publication of the translation by Young Hwa Kim was supported by the Book Institute as part of the ©POLAND Translation Programme.
The book, whose title in Korean translation reads 더러워, was published by the Pulbit publishing house.
Socha and Utnik-Strugała's book is a lavishly illustrated compendium of customs, superstitions, discoveries, and inventions related to dirt, hygiene, and medicine - obviously richly illustrated and designed with younger readers in mind, as well as being full of humour. After all, it is no coincidence that Piotr Socha is regarded as one of the most humorous Polish illustrators.
Piotr Socha has illustrated several acclaimed children's books on the Polish market. He is the author of such books as Drzewa (“The Book of Trees”, together with Wojciech Grajkowski), Pszczoły (“The Book of Bees”, together with Wojciech Grajkowski), Potwór (“Monster”, together with Grzegorz Kasdepke), and Wszystkie kolory świata ("All the Colours of the World" with Michał Rusinek). As an illustrator, he has collaborated with, among others, the editors of several newspapers and magazines, such as Gazeta Wyborcza, Wysokie Obcasy, Duży Format, Polityka, Newsweek, Przekrój, Playboy, and Harward Business Review.
Monika Utnik-Strugała is a graduate in Italian studies and a journalist for interior design magazines. She has written several children's books including Mamma mia. Włochy dla dociekliwych (“Let’s go to Italy!” together with Anna Ładecka), Xin chào! Wietnam dla dociekliwych (”Let’s go to Vietnam!” together with Tôn Vân Anh) Po ciemku, czyli co się dzieje w nocy (”After Dark, Or What Happens at Night” together with Małgorzata Piątkowska), as well as Idą święta! O Bożym Narodzeniu, Mikołaju i tradycjach świątecznych na świecie („Christmas Is Coming: Traditions from Around the World”).