
“To, co najważniejsze” by Józef Tischner in Hungarian with the support of the Book Institute
A translation of a collection of Józef Tischner's most important texts entitled To, co najważniejsze (“What's Most Important”) has been published in Hungary. The publication of the book was supported by the Book Institute as part of the ©POLAND Translation Programme.
The collection, the title of which reads Ami a legfontosabb in Hungarian, was published by the Orpheusz Kiadó publishing house. The authors of the translation from Polish are Márta Éles and Erzsébet Szenyán, and the afterword was written by Márton Soltész.
The selection of Tischner's texts collected under the title What's Most Important was prepared by the poet Wojciech Bonowicz. The author of the selection was guided by the idea that these should be not only the most important, but also the most topical texts by the philosopher. The texts included in the volume are preceded by brief notes by Bonowicz, who tries to build a context that makes them easier to read today.
Previously, the Orpheusz Kiadó publishing house has published a number of Tischner's books, such as Filozofia dramatu ("The Philosophy of Drama"), Jak żyć? ("How to Live?"), and Krótki przewodnik po życiu ("A Short Guide to Life").