
photo: The Book Institute

“Raising readers from an early age” – discussion panel in Bologna

Today, the Bologna Children's Book Fair hosted a discussion panel on 'Raising readers from an early age', organised by the Global Network for Early Years Bookgifting in collaboration with EURead.

The panel included Daniel Beeke from the Netherlands (Project Manager at EURead and Stichting Lezen), Julia Norrish from South Africa (Executive Director at Book Dash), Emmi Jäkkö from Finland (Executive Director at Lukukeskus), Lotte Baert from Belgium (Communication Officer Iedereen Leest), and Marijke Bos from the Netherlands (Project Manager at Stichting Lezen).

The Global Network for Early Years Bookgifting connects organisations around the world that are dedicated to introducing children to literature.

It is worth recalling that since 2018, the Book Institute has been a member of the international EURead network and the Global Network for Early Years Bookgifting.