
“Pamiątkowe rupiecie” by Bikont and Szczęsna in Chinese with support from the Book Institute
A translation of the book Pamiątkowe rupiecie. Biografia Wisławy Szymborskiej (”Dusty Keepsakes. The Biography of Wisława Szymborska”) by Anna Bikont and Joanna Szczęsna has been published in Taiwan. The publication of the book translated into traditional Chinese by Wei-Yun Lin-Górecka was supported by the Book Institute under the ©POLAND Translation Programme.
The book Dusty Keepsakes. The Biography of Wisława Szymborska has been published by Faces Publications, which is part of Cite Publishing Ltd. Bikont and Szczęsna's work is the best and most complete biography of Wisława Szymborska that exists to date.
Anna Bikont is one of Poland's best journalists and a former Solidarity activist. She has a number of acclaimed non-fiction books to her credit, such as: Cena. W poszukiwaniu żydowskich dzieci po wojnie (”The Price. In Search of Jewish Children after the War"), Sendlerowa. W ukryciu ("Sendlerowa. In hiding”), and My z Jedwabnego (”The Crime and the Silence”) Joanna Szczęsna is also a journalist, reportage writer, and former Solidarity activist. As a duo, Szczęsna and Bikont have also written, among other books, Lawina i kamienie. Pisarze wobec komunizmu (“The Avalanche and the Stones”).