
“Drive Your Plow Over the Bones of the Dead” in the final of the Warwick Prize for Women in Translation
The translation of Olga Tokarczuk's novel Prowadź swój pług przez kości umarłych (“Drive Your Plow Over the Bones of the Dead”) by Antonia Lloyd-Jones made it to the shortlist of books nominated for the Warwick Prize for Women in Translation. The winners will be announced on November 20th.
The Warwick Prize for Women in Translation has been awarded for the past two years by the University of Warwick. The Warwick Prize for Women in Translation honours the best translations by women. In the first edition, the translation of Wioletta Grzegorzewska’s Guguły (“Swallowing Mercury”) by Eliza Marciniak was in the final, and a year ago, the novels by Żanna Słoniowska Dom z witrażem (“The House with the Stained-Glass Window”) and Olga Tokarczuk’s Bieguni (“Flights”), translated by Antonia Lloyd-Jones and Jennifer Croft, respectively, qualified for the final.
The shortlist of books nominated for this year's edition of the award includes the following works:
· Disoriental by Négar Djavadi, translated from French by Tina Kover (Europa Editions, 2018)
· Drive Your Plow Over the Bones of the Dead by Olga Tocarczuk, translated from Polish by Antonia Lloyd-Jones (Fitzcarraldo Editions, 2018)
· Katalin Street by Magda Szabó, translated from Hungarian by Len Rix (Maclehose Press, 2019)
· Negative of a Group Photograph by Azita Ghahreman, translated from Farsi by Maura Dooley with Elhum Shakerifar (Bloodaxe and Poetry Translation Centre, 2018)
· People in the Room by Norah Lange, translated from Spanish by Charlotte Whittle (And Other Stories, 2018)
· The Years by Annie Ernaux, translated from French by Alison L. Strayer (Fitzcarraldo Editions, 2018)
The winners will be announced on November 20th. The translator and the author will receive £1,000 to share (if the award is given to a book by a deceased writer, the entire amount will go to the translator).