Winners of the Albrecht Lempp Scholarship for 2019: Małgorzata Rejmer and Julia Wolf
Małgorzata Rejmer and Julia Wolf have been awarded the Albrecht Lempp Scholarship for 2019, granted jointly by the Foundation for Polish-German Cooperation, the Book Institute, and Literarisches Colloquium Berlin.
The Foundation for Polish-German Cooperation, the Book Institute, and Literarisches Colloquium Berlin have announced the laureates of the Albrecht Lempp Scholarship for 2019:
Małgorzata Rejmer (born 1985) - writer and reporter, graduate of cultural studies at the University of Warsaw. In 2009 she published the novel Toksymia ("Toximia"), for which she was nominated for the Gdynia Literary Award and the PTWKW Award. In 2013, she published a reportage collection entitled Bukareszt. Kurz i krew (“Bucharest. Dust and Blood”), for which she received the Teresa Torańska Newsweek Award, the Gryfia Author's Literary Award, and the Gwarancje Kultury TVP Kultura Award. She was also nominated for the Nike Literary Award, Polityka's Passport Award, and the Beata Pawlak Award. For her third book, Błoto słodsze niż miód ("Mud Sweeter Than Honey") she received the Polityka's Passport Award. Her books have been translated into Romanian, Serbian, Ukrainian, and Spanish.
Julia Wolf (born 1981) - writer. She studied American Studies, Latin American Studies, and German Philology at the Free University of Berlin. She lives in Leipzig. Her debut novel "Alles ist jetzt" (Frankfurter Verlagsanstalt 2015) won the Kunstpreis der Lotto Brandenburg GmbH Award. The novel "Walter Nowak bleibt liegen" (Frankfurter Verlagsanstalt 2017) received a Nicolas-Born-Debütpreis recognition and made it onto the longlist of nominations for the German Book Prize 2017.
The Albrecht Lempp Scholarship is intended for writers from Poland and Germany as well as for German translators of Polish literature and Polish translators of German-language literature.
Its aim is to cultivate the art of translation and writing in the spirit of literary and translation standards close to Albrecht Lempp as well as to commemorate his contribution to the German-Polish literary exchange.
The scholarship programme consists of two one-month stays in the neighbouring country each year: at Literarisches Colloquium Berlin and in Cracow.
From Poland and Germany, 41 applications were received from writers and translators of literature. The jury consisted of representatives of the founders: Jürgen Jakob Becker (LCB), Joanna Czudec (FWPN), Ewa Wojciechowska (IK). The honorary member of the jury was Elżbieta Lempp.
Albrecht Lempp (1953-2012)
Albrecht Lempp was an outstanding populariser and translator of Polish literature in Germany.
For many years, he was the director of the Foundation for Polish-German Cooperation and made a great contribution to the development of Polish-German relations.
He laid the foundations for a modern system of promoting Poland through literature. As a co-founder of the Book Institute, he received the Transatlantyk Award granted for merits in this field.
Contact for the Albrecht Lempp Scholarship
Fundacja Współpracy Polsko-Niemieckiej (Foundation for Polish-German Cooperation)
ul. Zielna 37
00-108 Warsaw
Contact: Joanna Czudec,, +48 22 338 62 65
Instytut Książki (The Book Institute)
ul. Zygmunta Wróblewskiego 6
31-148 Cracow
Contact: Elżbieta Wierzchowska-Ziobro,, +48 12 61 71 918
Literarisches Colloquium Berlin
Am Sandwerder 5
D-14109 Berlin
Contact: Jürgen Jakob Becker,, +49 30 816 99 625