

Ukrainian Book Institute and Federation of European Publishers launch crowdfunding campaign to support the printing of Ukrainian children's books

At the Bologna International Children's Book Fair, the Ukrainian Book Institute, supported by the Federation of European Publishers (FEP), appealed to the generosity of the book world by launching a crowdfunding campaign to raise enough funds to print hundreds of thousands of books in Ukrainian for children across Europe.

These Ukrainian books are meant to keep children entertained while allowing them to maintain the link with their homeland. Kharkiv, home to Ukraine's most important printing works, is still defending itself against the invasion by Russian troops.

Peter Kraus vom Cleff, President of the Federation of European Publishers, and Ricardo Franco Levi, Vice-President and President of the Italian Publishers Association, said, “In this terrible time of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, our friends and colleagues from the Ukrainian Book Institute asked us to lend support to collect money to continue printing Ukrainian books and distribute them to children. It is clear that it is our duty to help our fellow publishers in Ukraine and to make it possible for Ukrainian children to have access to books. It is important for the book world to show solidarity. If you can, please donate, all money will be spent to print books and will be managed by the Ukrainian Book Institute”.

More information can be found on the website of the Federation of European Publishers.

You can make a donation here.