
The Book Institute supported the Spanish translation of Kasia Antczak’s “Kot. Instrukcji obsługi”
A translation of the book Kot. Instrukcja obsługi (“Cat. A Manual”) by Kasia Antczak with illustrations by Kasia Fryza has been published in Spain. The publication of the book translated by Anna Gibert Montala was supported by the Book Institute as part of the ©POLAND Translation Programme.
In Spanish, the book is entitled Soy tu gato and was published by the Coco Books publishing house.
Everyone knows what an instruction manual is. This manual, however, is a little different, as it concerns a living being. How to care for a cat so that the animal is happy is told by the cat named Kropka. From Kasia Antczak's book, the youngest readers will learn how to keep their feline tenant healthy, safe, and happy.
To date, Kasia Antczak has written two books about animals aimed at the youngest readers, namely Cat. A Manual and SOS Pies (“SOS. Dog”). In addition to the aforementioned titles, Kasia Fryza also illustrated Rymosmaki czyli co się gdzie je na świecie (”Tasty Rhymes, or What Do We Eat Around the World”) and Tuli, tuli, cmok, cmok (“Slobber slobber kiss kiss”) by Anita Lehmann.