
The Book Institute supported the Slovak edition of a selection of poems by Marzanna Bogumiła Kielar
A volume of selected poetry by Marzanna Bogumila Kielar entitled Pokrvný strom has been published in Slovakia. The poems were translated into Slovak by Silvia Kaščáková. The translation was supported by the Book Institute as part of the ©Poland Translation Programme.
Selected poems by Marzanna Bogumila Kielar were published in Slovak by the Skalná ruža publishing house.
Pokrvný strom includes translations of poems from four poetry volumes by Marzanna Bogumiła Kielar, namely Sacra conversazione (1992), Materia prima (1999), Monodia (2006), and Nawigacje ("Navigations", 2018). To date, Kielar's poems have already been translated into more than twenty different languages, including English, German, Czech, and Serbian.
Marzanna Bogumiła Kielar is a poet, a graduate in philosophy at the University of Warsaw, she holds a PhD in social sciences and is an associate professor at the Faculty of Pedagogy of the Christian Academy of Theology. She has received many awards and honorary mentions, including the Kazimiera Iłłakowiczówna Award, the Kościelski Award, the “Czas Kultury” Award, and the Polityka Passport Award.
The ©Poland Translation Programme is one of the Book Institute's flagship programmes. Its aim is to promote Polish literature around the world by providing financial support for the publication of Polish books in translation into foreign languages. Foreign publishers may use the funding grant to finance part of the work's publication costs, including, among other things, the translation of the work from Polish into another language, the purchase of copyright licences, and the printing of the book. In 2023 alone, we have subsidised 229 foreign editions of Polish books to be published by publishing houses from 46 countries, to which we have allocated almost PLN 5 million. In all editions of the programme, we have already subsidised a total of more than 3,000 translations of Polish books into foreign languages.