
The Book Institute supported the Hungarian translation of Mikołaj Łoziński's "Bajki dla Idy"
A translation of Mikołaj Łoziński's Bajki dla Idy (“Fairytales for Ida”) into Hungarian has been published. The translation by Márta Éles was supported by the Book Institute as part of the ©POLAND Translation Programme.
Fairytales for Ida in Hungarian translation was published by the Diófa Books publishing house. The title of the book in Hungarian reads Ida meséi.
Fairytales for Ida engages in a creative dialogue with the old tradition of animal fables. However, Łoziński does not just reduce animals to a symbolic role - they do not appear in his book just so that the author can say something about people, but also so that the young reader can learn something about the animals themselves. How animals see humans and their world - isn't that fascinating in itself?
Mikołaj Łoziński (born 1980) is the author of several books that have been highly praised by readers and critics, including Reisefieber (2006), Książka (“The Book”, 2011), Stramer (2019) and Stramerowie (“The Stramers”, 2023). He is the recipient of several awards, including the Kościelski Award and the 'Polityka' Passport Award. His novels are translated into foreign languages, including French, Italian, Hungarian, Ukrainian, and Latvian.
Márta Éles has also previously translated Mikołaj Łoziński's Książka (“The Book”) into Hungarian, as well as works by other authors, including: Janusz Korczak, Józef Tischner, and Jarosław Iwaszkiewicz.
The ©Poland Translation Programme is one of the Book Institute's flagship programmes. Its aim is to promote Polish literature around the world by providing financial support for the publication of Polish books in translation into foreign languages. Foreign publishers may use the funding grant to finance part of the work's publication costs, including, among other things, the translation of the work from Polish into another language, the purchase of copyright licences, and the printing of the book. In 2023 alone, we have subsidised 229 foreign editions of Polish books to be published by publishing houses from 46 countries, to which we have allocated almost PLN 5 million. In all editions of the programme, we have already subsidised a total of more than 3,000 translations of Polish books into foreign languages.