
The Book Institute supported the German edition of Emilia Dziubak's “Opowiem ci, mamo, co robią dinozaury”
A translation of Opowiem ci, mamo, co robią dinozaury (“Mum, Let Me Tell You What Dinosaurs Do”) has been published in Germany. The book was translated by Thomas Weiler. The publication of Emilia Dziubak's book was supported by the Book Institute as part of the ©POLAND Translation Programme.
The book Mum, Let Me Tell You What Dinosaurs Do was published in January by Ars Edition publishing house in Munich.
Fluffy and Cockroach embark on a journey... through time. They get to the land of dinosaurs and get to know these extraordinary animals: a giant Riojasaurus, a Trematosaurus, who lost an egg, a herbivorous Diplodocus, a water-dwelling Plesiosaurs, a Tyrannosaurus Rex arguing with an Ankylosaurus, flying Archaeopteryxes and many, many more. Education, humour, interactive tasks, and, above all, beautiful illustrations by Emilia Dziubak make it impossible to pass by this book indifferently. It is an excellent book for children from 2 to 6 years old.
Last year, with the support of the ©POLAND Translation Programme, Thomas Weiler translated Drzewa (“The Book of Trees”) by Piotr Socha and Wojciech Grajkowski. Weiler has also translated, among others, Mapy (“Maps”) by Aleksandra and Daniel Mizieliński, the book S.Z.T.U.K.A. (“A.R.T”) by Sebastian Cichocki, as well as works by Maria Janion (Polacy i ich wampiry [“Poles and Their Vampires”]), Joanna Tokarska-Bakir (Legendy o krwi [“Blood Libels”]), or Magdalena Saryusz-Wolska (Silne kobiety i słabi mężczyźni, czyli o paradoksach podziału ról. Kino polskie 1945-1968: dyskursy płci [“Strong women and weak men: about the paradoxes of division of roles. Polish Cinema 1945-1968: Gender Discourses”]).