
The Book Institute supported the Arabic translation of Witold Gombrowicz's “Dziennik”
The translation of the second volume of Witold Gombrowicz's Dziennik (“Diaries”) into Arabic has recently been published. The translation was supported by the Book Institute as part of the ©POLAND Translation Programme.
The second volume of Diaries, translated by Agnieszka Piotrowska and Motasem Bahaei, was published by the Manuszrat al-Jamal / Al-Kamel Verlag publishing house. The publication of the first volume was also supported by the Institute.
In recent years, the Book Institute has also co-financed a number of other translations of Witold Gombrowicz's books. Thanks to the support of the ©POLAND Translation Programme, the following translations have recently been published: Kosmos (”Cosmos”, into Turkish, Serbian, and Bulgarian, translated by Neşe Taluy Yüce, Biserka Rajcić, and Katerina Kokinowa respectively), Pornografia (translated into Spanish and Turkish by Bożena Żaboklicka and Pau Freix), Trans-Atlantyk (translated into Turkish by Neşe Taluy Yüce), collected dramas (translated into Spanish by Bożena Żaboklicka), and Dziennik (“Diaries” translated into Spanish by Bożena Żaboklicka and Francesc Miravitlles).