
The joint Polish-Belarusian reading of Pan Tadeusz by the actors from the Teatr Dramatyczny in Bialystok and the National Academic Theatre in Minsk, Belarus was shown online Thursday evening. The reading was held on the occasion of Public Theatre Day.
Public Theatre Day is celebrated on 16 May. Usually, it was accompanied by the campaign "Theatre ticket for pennies", thanks to which the audience could watch performances paying symbolic amounts of money. Due to the coronavirus epidemic, the theatres are now closed, so the artistic activities as well as the celebrations have been moved online.
"The pandemic has shown how much is impossible, but it has also shown how much we want to meet and how important theatre is to us," said journalist Dorota Sokołowska, one of the hosts of Thursday's online meeting at the Aleksander Węgierka Drama Theatre in Białystok. She added that it was "an extraordinary meeting, crossing borders".
Bialystok's theatre invited the audience to an unusual show - artists from Bialystok, together with actors from the Janka Kupala National Academic Theatre in Minsk, Belarus, performed a live reading of fragments of Adam Mickiewicz's Pan Tadeusz. The reading, taking place on both stages, was directed by Alena Ghannom from the Minsk theatre. The event gathered about 150 spectators in front of computer screens.
Public Theatre Day is organised by the Zbigniew Raszewski Theatre Institute and the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage.
[source: Polish Press Agency, Sylwia Wieczeryńska]