
”Odczytanie listy” by Hanka Grupińska in German with the support of the Book Institute
A translation of Hanka Grupinska's book Odczytanie listy (“Rereading the List”) has been published in Germany. The publication of the book translated by Andreas Volk was supported by the Book Institute as part of the ©Poland Translation Programme.
The book Die Liste lessen, as reads the title of the German translation of the book, has been published by the Metropol Verlag publishing house.
Hanka Grupińska based Rereading the List on the real list of soldiers of the Jewish Combat Organisation compiled by Marek Edelman. The writer and journalist has set herself the task of tracing the fate of the people who took part in the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising. Based on numerous interviews with survivors and a detailed search, she has created harrowing short biographical profiles on more than three hundred insurgents known by name.
Hanka Grupinska (born Anna Grupińska) is a Polish journalist, writer, and columnist, formerly an active contributor to underground press such as the quarterly “Czas Kultury”, which she founded. She writes mainly about Polish Jews and the Holocaust. In 1991-93, she held the post of a cultural attaché at the Polish embassy in Tel Aviv. In addition to Rereading the List, she has published, among others, Po kole. Rozmowy z żydowskimi żołnierzami (”Still Circling: Conversations with Soldiers of the Jewish Fighting Organization”), and 12 opowieści żydowskich (“12 Jewish Stories”).