
Liliana Bardijewska's “Moje – nie moje” in German with the support of the Book Institute
A translation of Liliana Bardijewska's book Moje – nie moje (“Mine – Not Mine”) has recently been published in Germany. The translation of the book by Ilaria de Nuzzo was supported by the Book Institute as part of the ©POLAND Translation Programme.
The book Meins - nicht meins was published by Knabe Verlag Weimar publishing house.
Mine – Not Mine is a tale about how deceptive appearances can be, and how true beauty and goodness can sometimes be hidden in very inconspicuous forms. A mysterious egg appears in a forest glade. It is beautiful, colourful, and awe-inspiring for all the inhabitants of the forest. Everyone wants to be... their parent - a bird, a tortoise, an ant, and a crocodile. A big forest fight to establish paternity begins. The quarrelling forest dwellers are reconciled by a wise kangaroo.
Mine – Not Mine is included in the Golden List of books recommended by the "ABCXXI - All of Poland Reads to Kids" Foundation. The book has won awards in competitions "The Most Beautiful Books of the Year 2003" of the PTWK (Polish Book Publishers' Society) as well as the "Book of the Year 2004" of the Polish Section of IBBY.
Ilaria De Nuzzo has previously translated, also with the support of the ©POLAND Translation Programme, another book by Liliana Bardijewska, Zielony wędrowiec (“The Green Wanderer”, 2017).