
Anna Czerwińska-Rydel’s “Listy w butelce” in Czech with the support of the Book Institute
A translation of the book Listy w butelce. Opowieść o Irenie Sendlerowej (”Lists in a Bottle: A Story about Irena Sendler”) by Anna Czerwińska-Rydel with illustrations by Maciej Szymanowicz has been published in the Czech Republic. The publication of the book translated by Michala Benešová was supported by the Book Institute under the ©POLAND Translation Programme.
The book Lists in a Bottle. A Story about Irena Sendler has been published by the largest Czech publishing group, Albatros Media from Brno. It is a story intended for children aged eight and over.
Anna Czerwińska-Rydel is a musician and educator by profession and likes to use her knowledge as an author of radio programmes and books for younger readers (and she has several dozen of them to her name). Her other best-known books include Wielki Karol i mały Lolek (“Big Charles and Little Charlie”, with Ewa Poklewska-Koziello), Moc czekolady. Opowieść o Wedlach i czekoladzie (”The Power of Chocolate. A Tale of Wedel and Chocolate"), W poszukiwaniu światła. Opowieść o Marii Skłodowskiej-Curie (”Searching for Light. A Story about Maria Skłodowska-Curie", with Dorota Łoskot-Cichocka), and Wszystko gra (”In Tune”, with Marta Ignerska).
As part of the ©POLAND Translation Programme, Michala Benešová also introduced Czech readers to the reportage Izrael już nie frunie (‘Israel No Longer Flies’) and Irak. Piekło w raju (‘Iraq. Hell in Paradise’) by Paweł Smoleński (2013 and 2015, both in tandem with Lucie Zakopalova), Toast za przodków (‘A Toast To The Ancestors’) by Wojciech Górecki (2017), Sprawiedliwi zdrajcy. Sąsiedzi z Wołynia (‘Righteous Traitors. Neighbours from Volhynia’) by Witold Szabłowski (2017), Modlitwa o deszcz (‘Praying for Rain’) by Wojciech Jagielski (2018), Cwaniary (‘The Hustlers) by Sylwia Chutnik (2014), Niesamowite przygody dziesięciu skarpetek (czterech prawych i sześciu lewych) [‘Amazing Adventures of Ten Socks (Four Right and Six Left)’] by Justyna Bednarek (2017), and Król (”The King of Warsaw”) by Szczepan Twardoch (2020). Last year, she won the most prestigious Czech literary award, Magnesia Litera, for her translation of Ice by Jacek Dukaj (together with Michael Alexa).