
Aleksander Kaczorowski’s “Havel. Zemsta bezsilnych” in Czech with the support of the Book Institute
On Monday, a translation of Václav Havel's biography Havel. Zemsta bezilnych (“Havel. The Revenge of the Powerless”) by Aleksander Kaczorowski was published in the Czech Republic. The publication of the translation by Martin Veselka was supported by the Book Institute as part of the ©POLAND Translation Programme.
The book Havel. Pomsta bezmocných, as reads the title of the Czech translation of the book, has been recently published by the XYZ publishing house in Prague.
The Revenge of the Powerless is a biography of one of the most important European politicians of recent decades, a famous dissident, writer and playwright, the last president of Czechoslovakia (1989-1992) and the first president of the Czech Republic (1993-2003). His rich biography is also a pretext for the author to tell the story of Central and Eastern Europe, its historical storms and great changes, culminating in the fall of communism and the rebirth of democracy during the Revolutions of 1989.
Last year, with the support of the ©POLAND Translation Programme, a translation of another book by Aleksander Kaczorowski, Ota Pavel. Pod powierzchnią (“Ota Pavel. Under the Surface”, translated by Martin Veselka, Host Publishing House, Brno) was published.