
A selection of poems by Zuzanna Ginczanka in English with the support of the Book Institute
A selection of Zuzanna Ginczanka's poetry entitled On Centaurs & Other Poems has been published in the United States. The publication of the collection of poems translated by Alex Braslavsky was supported by the Book Institute as part of the ©POLAND Translation Programme.
The book was published by World Poetry Books, which is based in New York.
Zuzanna Ginczanka is a forgotten Polish poet of Jewish origin who has been rediscovered by Polish readers in recent years. She published her debut volume of poems O centaurach ("On Centaurs"), when she was less than twenty years old. She was sometimes called 'Tuwim in a skirt' by her contemporaries. She collaborated with "Wiadomości Literackie" weekly, contributed to a famous satirical magazine "Szpilki", and studied pedagogy in Warsaw. In 1944, she was arrested by the Gestapo and executed shortly afterwards.
On Centaurs & Other Poems is the first attempt to bring Ginczanka's poetry to English-speaking readers. Published by World Poetry Books, the selection of poems has been published in a bilingual version.