
A selection of Krzysztof Siwczyk's poems, Auf nächtlicher Reise, was published in Germany by Parasitenpresse. Siwczyk's poetry was selected and translated by Artur Becker.
The premiere of the volume took place on 31st August. Parasitenpresse is a publishing house specialising primarily in more recent poetry - both German-language and international.
Krzysztof Siwczyk will soon be promoting a selection of his poems entitled Auf nächtlicher Reise at three author meetings in Germany. The first two will take place on 2nd and 3rd September in Cologne as part of the 4th European Literature Festival in Köln-Kalk, while the third will take place on 4th September as part of the Polish Week in Bochum held at the end of August/beginning of September.
Krzysztof Siwczyk is a Polish poet born in 1977. To date, he has published more than a dozen books - mainly volumes of poetry, but also collections of literary essays. He has won numerous awards, including the Kościelski Foundation Award, the Gdynia Literary Prize, and the Jacek Bierezin National Poetry Competition. His most important published volumes of poetry include Dzikie dzieci (“Wild Children”, 1995), Wiersze dla palących (“Poems for Smokers”, 2001), Koncentrat (“Concentrate”, 2010), and Krematoria I. Krematoria II (“Crematoria I. Crematoria II”, 2021). Readers of ‘Gazeta Wyborcza’ daily also know Siwczyk as a columnist, while cinema fans know him as an actor who played the role of Rafał Wojaczek in Lech Majewski's film "Wojaczek" (1999).