
A translation of the book Wiatr (“Wind”) by Anna Skowrońska with illustrations by Agata Dudek and Malgorzata Nowak has been published in Spain. The publication of the book translated by Karolina Jaszecka was supported by the Book Institute as part of the ©POLAND Translation Programme.
The book was published by Editorial Juventud, a Barcelona-based publishing house that specialises precisely in children's literature.
Wind is one of a four-part series of books by Anna Skowrońska that aim to show the youngest children the complex mechanisms that govern nature. The remaining three are Woda ("Water"), Ogień ("Fire"), and Ziemia ("Earth"). On the pages of Wind, the author takes young readers on an extraordinary journey, during which they will be able to see what happens when a tornado approaches, how the dust from the Sahara travels, or find out how wind is created and how to generate electricity from it. Skowronska's book is a knowledgeable and fun-filled title designed for little nature lovers.
Anna Skowrońska is not only an author of children's books, but also a publisher - she has been co-founder of Muchomor publishing house for over 20 years. In addition to the series, which includes Wind, Water, Fire, and Earth, she has also written children's books such as Alfabet niepodległości (“The Alphabet of Independence"), Alfabet polski (“The Polish Alphabet"), and Święty Franciszek ("Saint Francis").
Małgorzata Nowak and Agata Dudek are two graduates of Warsaw's Academy of Fine Arts who together run the Acapulco graphic studio. They specialise precisely in illustration and book design and have to their credit such titles as Anna Onichimowska's Tajemnica Malutkiej (“Little’s Secret”), and MISTRZ. Spotkanie z Witoldem Lutosławskim (”MASTER. The meeting with Witold Lutosławski”) by Anna Czerwińska-Rydel and Paweł Rydel.