
“Świadkowie tajemnicy” by Górny and Rosikon in Italian with the support of the Book Institute
The translation of Świadkowie tajemnicy. Śledztwa w sprawie relikwii Chrystusowych (“Witnesses to Mystery: Investigations into Christ's Relics”) has been recently published in Italy. The book was translated by Gabriella Buzzi. The publication of the book by Grzegorz Górny and Janusz Rosikoń was supported by the Book Institute as part of the ©POLAND Translation Programme.
The book Testimoni del mistero. Le reliquie di Gesù, which is the title of the Italian edition, was published by Libreria Editrice Vaticana publishing house. It is a fascinating story which is a record of a journalistic investigation into the truth about the material traces left by Jesus of Nazareth.
The two authors - reporter Grzegorz Górny and photographer Janusz Rosikoń - set off on the trail of Christ's relics and in various countries of the world, they collect rich documentation on specific objects that have remained after Jesus to this day. They sift the archives, talk to historians, meet world-famous scientists, and get acquainted with the results of their work. They do not take anything on faith but try to find confirmation in historical sources and scientific expertise. As a result of a reporter's investigation, they manage to identify some of the relics still worshipped today as authentic. Among them, the Passion relics occupy a special place, i.e. objects connected with the Passion (the final period in the life of Jesus leading to his crucifixion), death, and burial of Christ. Because of their properties, some of them constitute a mystery for scientists, which they are not able to solve. This applies, for example, to the Shroud of Turin. There was no object in the world which would have been examined more often, more thoroughly and more comprehensively than this linen cloth from Turin. However, the more analytical results, the more awareness of the Mystery grew among researchers.
Another book by the Górny-Rosikoń duo has also been published as part of the ©POLAND Translation Programme: Ufam. Śladany Świętej Siostry Faustyny (“Trust: In Saint Faustina's Footsteps”). The book was translated by Goran Andrijanicia and published last year by the Verbum publishing house in Split.