

“Pszczoły” by Piotr Socha and Wojciech Grajkowski in Hungarian supported by The Polish Book Institute

In Hungary, the Hungarian translation of Pszczoły (“The Book of Bees”) was published. The book was translated by Viktoria Kellermann. The publication of the book by Paweł Socha (illustrations) and Wojciech Grajkowski (text) was supported by the Book Institute as part of the © POLAND Translation Programme.

Pszczoły were published in February by MANÓ KÖNYVEK publishing house. Viktoria Kellermann has translated into Hungarian, among others, novels by Andrzej Sapkowski, as well as Pod ziemią, pod wodą (“Under Earth, Under Water”) by Aleksandra and Daniel Mizielińscy, another publication supported by the Book Institute.

Pszczoły consist of more than 30 large-format pages, each of which is intricately composed. The colourful illustrations are full of details, and the short and easy-to-read text not only explains what can be found on them, but also contains a lot of additional information and curiosities.

Moreover, a German translation of The Book of Trees by the Socha-Grajkowski duo has recently been published. The edition was also supported by the Book Institute.