
In Spain, a translation of Prowokacja (“Provocation”) by Stanisław Lem has been published. The book was translated by Abel Murcia Soriano and Katarzyna Mołoniewicz. The publication of the book was supported by the Book Institute as part of the ©POLAND Translation Programme.
The book Provocación, as reads the title of the Spanish translation, has been recently published by Impedimenta publishing house in Madrid as part of the series Library of 21st Century.
Stanisław Lem's Provocation from 1984 contains reviews of two non-existent books: The Genocide and One Human Minute. It is a literary game only on the surface - the author considers the deepest issues of contemporary times: the place of death in culture and the determinism of human history.
This year, as part of the ©Poland Translation Programme, the Book Institute also supported the publication of two other translations of the Mołoniewicz/Murcia Soriano duo: Wislawa Szymborska's Czarna piosenka (“Black Song”) and Bohdan Butenko’s Gucio i Cezar tam gdzie pieprz rośnie (“Gucio and Cezar in the Sticks”).