
“Błoto słodsze niż miód” by Małgorzata Rejmer in Serbian with the support of the Book Institute
A translation of Małgorzata Rejmer's book Błoto słodsze niż miód. Głosy komunistycznej Albanii (“Mud Sweeter than Honey. Voices of Communist Albania”) has been published in Serbia. The translation by Mila Gavrilović was supported by the Book Institute as part of the ©POLAND Translation Programme.
The translation of the book, the title of which reads Blato slađe od meda: glasovi komunističke Albanije in Serbian, was published by Belgrade-based Krupni plan publishing house.
Małgorzata Rejmer is one of the most interesting Polish writers of the younger generation, author of the novel Toksymia (“Toximia”, 2009) and two books of reportage: Bukareszt. Kurz i krew (“Bucharest. Dust and Blood”, 2013) and the abovementioned Mud Sweeter than Honey. Voices of Communist Albania (2018). For the latter, she received the Paszport Polityki Award 2019, the Arkady Fiedler Award (known as “Amber Butterfly”) 2019, as well as the Kościelski Award 2020.