
“Alicja w krainie przyszłości” in German with the support of the Book Institute
A translation of the book Alicja w krainie przyszłości, czyli jak działa sztuczna inteligencja (“Alice in the Land of the Future, or How Artificial Intelligence Works”) by Ryszard Tadeusiewicz, Maria Mazurek, and Marcin Wierzchowski has been published in Switzerland. The book was translated by Martina Polek. The publication was supported by the Book Institute as part of the ©POLAND Translation Programme.
The book Ava im Land der Zukunft oder Wie künstliche Intelligenz funktioniert – as reads the title of the German translation – was published by Helvetiq publishing house.
When a new member of the family - Basia, a humanoid robot - appears in Alice's house, new questions arise. Will the life of the family become easier now? Will Basia do her homework for Alice, change little Adam's nappies, and cook lunches? And most importantly, can a robot replace humans?
Professor Ryszard Tadeusiewicz, a well-known automated technology expert and computer scientist, under whose tutelage crowds of Polish engineers were educated, introduces readers to the world of artificial intelligence.