Polish literature

Edward Pasewicz

Pasewicz is a poet and literary critic and was born in 1971. He lives in Poznań. His debut, a collection of poems called Lower Wilda, appeared in 2002 as a result of his participation in the prestigious Jacek Bierezin literary contest. It consists of almost 70 poems, accomplished in terms of form and rich in content. Pasewicz’s patience in waiting until past the age of 30 for his book to come out was immediately noted and appreciated by the critics.

Pasewicz is unusually sensitive to the melody of language and in writing his poems he takes trouble over their sound qualities. This poetry is not afraid of metaphors and often plays exuberant games of association on the borders of imagination and dreams, but its most typical feature is an intellectual rigor and a cohesion between what it wants to say and its way of saying it. The influence of Anglo-Saxon poetry of the second half of the twentieth century is evident in this poetry. In this connection, at a certain point it becomes necessary to move away from the hermetic approach typical of the neo-classical poets, and to incorporate some intellectual thoughts that are free of too much Eliot-style symbolism, and some experiences of real life that might form either the basis for a poem, or else its entire content. The latter option has dominated Polish poetry for most of the past decade, but Pasewicz renounces it in favour of the former, where real life is the point of departure, but further on the poem takes us through a game of the intellect and imagination. Pasewicz is intellectually interested in the issue of how to express himself, and also in the referential potential of language. In his work imagination is closely tied to real life  the poem itself questions whether its content is still part of real existence or already a dream.

Pasewicz’s collection openly introduces the gay debate into young Polish literature for the first time; if it has appeared before, it was not at such a high pitch or with such awareness of the author-hero’s sexual identity. Pasewicz’s book tells the story of the homosexual love between an artist and his boorishly uncultured young boyfriend. The critics have accused Pasewicz of excessive stereotyping in describing this sort of liaison  here’s the sensitive poet battling with his less sensitive partner, but in fact this book is the only one that provides evidence of a conscious gay trend in the poetry of the younger generation.


  • Dolna Wilda (Anima, Tygiel Kultury 2001; Poznań, Wielkopolska Biblioteka Poetów 2006)
  • Nauki dla żebraków (arkusz dołączony do pisma "Topos" nr 4-5/2003)
  • Wiersze dla Róży Filipowicz (Wrocław, Biuro Literackie 2004)
  • th (Kielce, kserokopia.art.pl 2005)
  • Henry Berryman Pięśni (Kielce, kserokopia.art.pl 2006)
  • Śmierć w darkroomie (Kraków, EMG 2007)
  • Drobne! Drobne! (Poznań, WBPiCAK 2008)
  • Muzyka na instrumenty strunowe, perkusję i czelestę (Poznań, WBPICAK 2010, Wielkopolska Biblioteka Poezji tom 20)
  • Pałacyk Bertolta Brechta (Kraków, EMG 2011)