

"Rita" by Daniel Odija and Wojciech Stefaniec in Dutch with the support of the Book Institute

A translation of the comic book Rita, drawn by Wojciech Stefaniec from a script by Daniel Odija, has been published in the Netherlands. The publication of Charlotte Pothuizen's translation was supported by the Book Institute as part of the ©Poland Translation Programme.

The comic was published by Scratch Books.

Rita is the second part of the futuristic tetralogy Bardo, which so far includes three comics (Stolp, Rita, and Rege; the authors are still working on the fourth part). In Odija and Stefaniec's series, the readers can immerse themselves in the reality of a city with 'no end', where all vegetation has become extinct, the last species of animals are still dying, food has been replaced by chemical pills, and the inhabitants have been afflicted by the curse of infertility. And all this in the convention of a bizarre, anti-utopian crime story.

In addition to writing the script for the Bardo tetralogy, Daniel Odija is the author of several prose books, including the novels Tartak (“Sawmill”, 2003) and Kronika umarłych (“Chronicle of the Dead”, 2010), nominated for the 'Nike' Literary Award.

Wojciech Stefaniec is a creator of covers for books, music albums, and newspapers, as well as posters and logos, but above all - a cartoonist. In addition to the Bardo series, he also drew comics based on scripts by Jerzy Szyłak, Bartosz Sztybor, Daniel Gizicki, and Grzegorz Janusz.